Sunday, May 30, 2010

Eva's Camp Reflection

When I was in the car on the way to camp, I was really nervous because I hadn’t stayed away from home without my Mum and Dad for that long. But I still knew that I was going to have lots of fun because we always do on camp.

The first activity I went on was the water slide. I thought it was going to be freezing so I was nervous. But I realised afterwards I had gone down that it wasn’t that cold . When I got back up, I decided to go a couple more times. Then I felt quite cold so I got off. But I was thankful that I got on.

That night we went on the Burma Trail. I guessed it was going to be scary. But at the end I reckon it wasn’t the scariest thing I have ever been on. I suppose it was quite cool after all. I learnt that it is good to use teamwork on Burma Trail.

We also made Bivouacs. It was really fun. We made carpet out of toi toi which was really soft. After we had been collecting toi toi, I looked down and saw cuts on my legs. Then I remembered that Keeli was trying to help but by mistake she pushed me into the cutty grass and that's how I got the cuts on my legs.

I think that this year’s camp was the best camp I have been on so far. I would definitely go again. I think that others should go there as well. I think that camp is a great opportunity to make new friends.


  1. Eva, I was really proud of the way you 'took camp in your stride', especially since you haven't stayed away from home a lot. Your writing was fun and interesting to read. It made me smile. Well done!

  2. Love all of your reflective thoughts Eva. I thought it was a great camp too :)
    Miss C

  3. Eva,your camp sounds awesome,maybe we could make bivouacs at home.Good writing chic

    Blair your dad

  4. Eva, "hats off to you!" for having such a great attitude to camp and finding out that you could actually cope with some of the problems that cropped up. I made a note to myself not to try and use cutty grass on the ground the next time I am making a bivouac!

    Your writing is great and made me smile as well. What an awesome reflection.

    Mrs L

  5. Well done Eva. It is one of my favourite camps to go to. Good luck making a bivouac at home - maybe you and dad could sleep in it overnight! Now that would be fun!!!! Miss Olney

  6. Great work Eva!I like that you were honest and you used lots of great adjectives!Maybe next-time you could explain a bit more about camp at the end but great work!

  7. Rose Austin Emmas mumJune 2, 2010 at 11:25 PM

    Hi Eva
    You did well in netball on saturday.
    You have a awesome story i love it. Emma said you were working hard on it in class. You use lots of awesome adjectives in it what you need to do is explane more of what you actually did on camp.

  8. Rod Hawker, olivers dadJune 3, 2010 at 2:19 AM

    staying away from mum and dad, very good, well done! when you are part of a group somtimes this gives you a chance to try new things that you wouldnt do by yourself. i can see through reading your story that through positive peer preasure you have overcome your fears and participated. CONGRATULATIONS! i enjoyed reading your story!

  9. Hi Eva.

    It was lovely to relive the camp and to hear that you had so much fun doing the different activities. I certainly had alot of fun and enjoyed every minute of camp too. I had never made a bivouac before so making one with your team was alot of fun and I reckon we didn't do too badly either!! Well done Eva!

  10. I like your story Eva! Great job!

  11. great work eva

    from eva

  12. you definitely did the best writing Eva

  13. thanks to everyone who posted a comment


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