Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lydia's Camp Reflection

Before I went on camp, I was worried about the activities we might have to do. Would they be difficult or easy? I was also scared of being away from home. I guess I was just scared of leaving home for 3 days because I have never gone on a camp before.

I was really scared when it came to doing the Burma Trail. One reason is because I hate the dark, and two, we weren’t allowed torches, and three, I HATE people scaring me. I felt nervous when my group came out. I realised it wasn’t that bad and I wanted to do it again. I worked out that we did it so that we could step out side our comfort zone and have fun, not just to scare the life out of us. I was taking a responsible risk.

I loved the flying fox. Before I did it, I felt a bit anxious to get it over with, but in the end I decided it wasn’t that bad, and I loved it because you just felt like you were flying and were free to do what you wanted.

I found archery fun. Before I did it, I didn’t feel worried at all because I have done archery before. I saw a rabbit and made up my mind that I wanted to shoot it, but I did not. I leant that to hit bullseye, you have to strive for accuracy.

Now that camp is over, I want to do it all again. Over all I LOVED it. I would recommended it to anyone at all, because all the activities were awesome. Schools should take children on camp because it allows them to step outside their comfort zones. I have learnt that camps let you use different habits of mind.


  1. I enjoyed reading your camp reflection Lydia. I like the way you used a lot of your feelings. This made your writing more interesting.
    eg. I felt anxious..... I was worried....
    Great work Lydia

  2. I thought your camp reflection was terrific, Lydia.
    Your paragraphs are well thought-out. Including your feelings gives the reader a good indication of how you really were taking responsible risks. It's great to see you had such a terrific time with all the new experiences at camp.

    Mrs L

  3. I really like the thinking words that you used in your reflection, Lydia. They really show what you were thinking. You describe the camp well. Next time try using more colourful adjectives to make even more interesting.

  4. Hi Lydia I think your adjectives are really good and your writing is good. I think you need more writing. By Emily and Phoebe.

  5. Hi Meg is here I love your writing the camp that we went on was so fun I think you should be a professional writer when you grow up!

    Meg Stevens in your class

  6. Hi Lydia
    I love your story.
    I love you adjectives you used lots of them.
    You need to put more feeling words in it.
    Keep up the AWESOME work Lydia

  7. WOW! that is so awesome lydia you could be a writer one day i can't think of anything you did wrong!

  8. hi Lydia I like the way you used adjectives and thinking words. i think you could of used more descriptive words

  9. Lynda - Emily's MumJune 3, 2010 at 1:30 PM

    Awesome writing Lydia. I like the way you talked about what scared you and how you overcame your fears, and also elaborated on what you enjoyed. I'm sure you will have lots of great experiences on future school camps too. From Lynda (Emily's Mum)


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